Tamworth Reels
High-Performance Deep-Sea Fishing Equipment

A harsh, unrelenting, severe, wild, unpredictable, chaotic, exciting, adrenaline-inducing, dangerous, physically exhausting water environment becomes a driving force that shapes experienced anglers' dedication. 

Tamworth represents the pinnacle of advanced precision in deep-sea fishing equipment, proudly Bermuda-born and American-made.

A bold and dynamic logo that encapsulates power, strength, and speed. A nod to the adrenaline-inducing rush felt by experienced deep-sea anglers. 

Tamworth Reels are elegantly simple and highly durable saltwater reels designed to last a lifetime for all-in anglers.

The story behind the icon is inspired by the enchanting sea monsters on 16th-century maps, where cartographers attempted to illustrate life in the ocean, suggesting safe passage for sailing ships.

These maps then helped perpetuate the life of these creatures, as they inspired travelers on the dangerous sea to confirm their existence.

As for the reference to Bermuda, the wild hog depicted on coins alludes to the islands' first currency—a crude 'brasse' or 'hogge' money—which featured a hog to convey the colonists' fervent thanks for a welcome source of food.

The result is an iconic, fanciful beast that combines two worlds: a wild boar (representing Bermuda's heritage) and a fish. The main idea was to illustrate the wonders of the deep sea and the allure of reeling in the next big catch.

The world’s most elegantly simple saltwater reel made 100% in the U.S.A from the highest quality raw materials. Super durable, reliable and performant and made to last an all-in angler’s lifetime.  

Likely a lifetime that was never for everyone – but you.

Graphic Design
Type Design

Art Direction

Hugo Boesch, 3D Artist & motion
Jessie Sternthal, copywriting

Playground © 2025 Charlene Sepentzis